Parochet Ark Curtains Store
Best Value Parochet Ark Curtains guaranteed.Read More
Parochet / Paroches / Paroket Ark Curtains
A Parochet (Paroket) pronounced Paroches are Ark curtains made to cover your Aaron Kodesh. The Parochet and Paroches are traditionally made of lined velvet material and now available in a variety of designs that fit right in to your synagogue decor. The parochet (paroches / Paroket) is so important as it is sets the central theme and color scheme of the Synagogue Temple and it is where congregants view during most of the prayer service. You’ll find our Parochet (Paroches / Paroket) designs capture beautiful Torah concepts and spiritual themes to assist and beautify your Temple Synagogue furnishings.
Parochet & Paroches In House Design & Lowest Price Parochet Guarantee
You’ll may find other embroidery companies claiming to make a beautiful parochet in house yet that do not compare to us for a few reasons. We work directly with the few boutique experienced Parochet manufacturers in Israel and due to our long relationship we offer the Parochets for less than direct from embroiders. So try us for size and service guarantee. We also custom make paroches curtains with a special design you have in mind. You can use our in house designs below or create a new one on paper and send it over to us. Contact Us with your Parochet & Paroches inquiry for a service and price unmatched. We’ll work with your Parochet or Paroches personally to design and have your approval before embroidery begins. A Parochet is available in 8 velvet colors. View our sample Parochet / Paroches Temple Curtain. A white parochet is often ordered specially for high holidays.
Visit our Parochet Ark Curtains Department store online now.